Jurnal Industri Kreatif dan Kewirausahaan can accept both of manuscripts which are based on Community Service and also based on research. The journal was published by Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Sahid. It is published periodically, twice a year, in June and December consisting of 12 articles and the journal accepts articles based on research and also community service about entrepreneurship with various fields such as Application and game development, product design, fashion, film, video animation, handicrafts, culinary, music, performing arts, fine arts and television/radio.
Journal Title: Jurnal Industri Kreatif dan KewirausahaanEditor chief: Annisa Retno Utami
Language: Indonesia, English
E-ISSN: 2620-942X
Frequency: 2 times a year, June and December
DOI: http://doi.org/10.36441/kewirausahaan
OAI: http://jurnal.usahid.ac.id/index.php/kewirausahaan/oai
Accreditation: SINTA 5
Publisher: Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM), Universitas Sahid
Citation Analysis: Google Scholar, Dimension, Garuda, Crossref
Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM)
Jl. Prof. DR. Soepomo No.84, RT.7/RW.1, Menteng Dalam, Kec. Tebet, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12870
Email: jikk@usahid.ac.id
Operational and Publication Cost Starting from December 2024 Edition |
To the Authors, Based on the Decree of the Director General, Higher Education, Research and Technology. Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia SK Number 177/E/KPT/2024 Dated October 15, 2024, the results of the Reaccreditation increased the ranking from Sinta 5 to Sinta 4. We will publish high-quality original articles/research only with a plagiarism limit of up to 20%. In addition, references must use Mendeley. We intend to improve the standards of excellence, visibility, and further development of the Journal. |
Posted: 2024-12-18 | More... |
Operational and Publication Cost Starting from June 2023 edition ... |
Dear Authors, In 2022, we have indexed by SINTA 5. We will publish high-quality original/research articles only with a plagiarism limit of up to 30%. And also, references must be using Mendeley. We intend to improve the high standards of excellence, visibility, and further development of the Journal. |
Posted: 2022-08-23 | More... |
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Vol 7, No 1 (2024): JUNE
Table of Contents
Nurul Ardilah, Rafidah Rafidah, M. Maulana Hamzah
Sanny Nofrima, Apriyadi Apriyadi
Rajab Kurnia, Habriyanto Habriyanto, Rabiyatul Alawiyah
Kasman Kasman, Annisa Retno Utami, Peris Hamdanur
Karlina Karlina, Lizha Nur Shafa, Nadya Millasyifa, Eman Sulaeman
Uuh Sukaesih, Vemiana Utami Rohadini, Miswan Miswan
Rizal Maulana, Sintya Wulandari, Gilang Rochmadi Putra, Ahmad Muhtaji, Ismiasih Ismiasih
Irma Rosidatun Nisa, Roni Subhan
Azwar Azwar, Siti Hazar Sitorus, Yessi Nesneri
Hanif Azhar
Ikhtiar Kurnia Dwitama, Indah Handaruwati
Raden Adriyani Oktora, Bethriza Hanum, Andary Azvaroza