ABSTRACT: Water kefir is a beverage made from sugar or plant based solution that is fermented with water kefir seeds that has sour and slightly sweet taste characteristics, contains alcohol and carbon dioxide. The microorganisms contained in water kefir seeds such as lactic acid bacteria have a functional role as beneficial probiotics that can promote digestive tract health and work synergistically with yeast in water kefir fermentation. Water kefir is also a form of diversity of food product that can be an alternative for vegans, vegetarians, and individuals who have certain allergies to dairy products. This literature review was made to study the effect of variations of substrate and starter concentrations used in water kefir fermentation on the physicochemical quality and microbiological of water kefir. The data in this literature review were obtained from international and national journals with a minimum ranking of Q4 and Sinta 4. In conclusion, increasing the starter concentration up to 15% can reduce the pH value and increase the alcohol content, total titrated acid, viscosity, carbon dioxide, total lactic acid bacteria and total yeast. The addition of substrate up to 9% can reduce the pH value and viscosity and increase the alcohol content, total titrated acid, carbon dioxide, total lactic acid bacteria and total yeast. Plasmolysis in microorganisms cells happened with the addition of a substrate with a concentration of 10% or more causing the pH value to increase and decreasing the levels of alcohol, carbon dioxide, total yeast, and total lactic acid bacteria in the final product.
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Teks Lengkap:
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.36441/jtepakes.v3i2.558
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