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MUTU TAHU SUTRA AKIBAT PEMBERIAN JAHE MERAH DENGAN LAMA PERENDAMAN BERBEDA | Amrizal | Jurnal Teknologi Pangan dan Kesehatan (The Journal of Food Technology and Health)


Muhammad Rofit Amrizal, Rahmawati Rahmawati


ABSTRAK: Tahu merupakan sumber protein yang disukai semua kalangan masyarakat, kelemahannya mudah rusak sehingga umur simpannya pendek. Tujuan penelitian mempelajari pemberian sari jahe merah dan lama perendaman terhadap mutu tahu sutra. Penelitian menggunakan metode Rancangan Acak Lengkap Faktor dua faktor, yaitu konsentrasi sari jahe merah dan lama perendaman. Konsentrasi sari jahe merah sebesar 0%, 5%, 10% dan 15%, dan lama perendaman 60, 90 dan 120 menit, dengan dua kali ulangan. Mutu tahu sutra ditentukan berdasarkan kekerasan, kadar air, abu, protein, lemak dan karbohidrat, Angka Lempeng Total (ALT), dan mutu organoleptik (warna, aroma dan rasa). Data dianalisis dengan analisis ragam (ANOVA) (α = 0.05). Jika terdapat perbedaan nyata dilanjutkan dengan uji lanjut Duncan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan konsentrasi sari jahe merah memengaruhi ALT, mutu warna, aroma, dan rasa tahu sutra. Lama perendaman memengaruhi ALT, kesukaan warna, mutu aroma dan rasa tahu sutra. Tahu sutra yang paling disukai dengan konsentrasi sari jahe merah 5% dan lama perendaman 60 menit. Karakteristiknya : kekerasan 1.97 gf, kadar air 25.22% (bk), abu 7.57% (bk), protein 52.14% (bk), lemak 24.91%(bk), dan karbohidrat 15.39%(bk), ALT log 3.17 CFU/ml. Berdasarkan uji ALT tahu sutra yang terbaik yaitu konsentrasi sari jahe merah 15% dan lama perendaman 120 menit, yaitu log 2.41 CFU/ml. Secara keseluruhan, mutu tahu sutra yaitu kekerasan 0.54 gf, kadar air 25.84% (bk), kadar abu 6.53% (bk), kadar protein 53.70% (bk), kadar lemak 27.18%(bk), dan kadar karbohidrat 12.60%(bk), berwarna coklat muda (skor 2.7), aroma jahe sedikit kuat (skor 2.7), rasa sedikit pedas (skor 3.0) yang sedikit disukai. 


ABSTRACT: Tofu is a protein source that is favored by many people. its weakness is easily damaged so its shelf life is short. The purpose of this research was to study the influence of adding red ginger juice and soaking time on the quality of silken tofu. The study used a completely randomized design with two factors, namely the concentration of red ginger extract and the immersion time. The concentration of red ginger extract were 0%, 5%, 10% and 15%, and the immersion time were 60, 90 and 120 minutes, with two replications. The quality of silken tofu is determined based on hardness, moisture, ash, protein, fat and carbohydrates contents, Total Plate Number (ALT), sensory analysis included both of quality and hedonic test (color, aroma and taste). Data were analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) (α = 0.05). If there is a significant difference, continue with Duncan's further test. The results showed that the concentration of red ginger juice affected ALT, color, aroma, and taste quality of silken tofu. Soaking time affects ALT, color preference, aroma quality and silken tofu taste. Silk tofu is the most preferred with a concentration of 5% red ginger extract and a soaking time of 60 minutes. Characteristics: hardness 1.97 gf, water content 25.22% (wk), ash 7.57% (wk), protein 52.14% (wk), fat 24.91% (wk), and carbohydrates 15.39% (wk), ALT log 3.17 CFU/ml. Based on the ALT test, the best tofu silk was 15% red ginger extract concentration and 120 minutes soaking time, which was log 2.41 CFU/ml. Overall, the quality of silken tofu is 0.54 gf hardness, water content 25.84% (bk), ash content 6.53% (bk), protein content 53.70% (bk), fat content 27.18% (bk), and carbohydrate content 12.60% (wk). ), light brown color (score 2.7), slightly strong ginger aroma (score 2.7), slightly spicy taste (score 3.0) which is slightly liked.

Kata Kunci

ALT, jahe merah, lama perendaman, tahu sutra

Teks Lengkap:



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