ABSTRACT:Kefir is a fermented dairy product that uses kefir grain and usually cow milk in the production process. Milk from different types of cattle has different nutritional composition that affects the microbiological and physicochemical of kefir. The utilization of goat and buffalo milk can be an alternative to cow milk because of their high nutritional content. Milk from different types of cattle has different nutritional composition that affects the microbiological and physicochemical of kefir. The purpose of this literature review is to determine and compare the microbiological and physicochemical of kefir produced from cow, goat, and buffalo milk. The study is carried out in the form of a literature review by using references from nationally accredited journals at least SINTA 4 and internationally accredited journals at least Scopus Q4. The use of different types of milk affects the microbiological and physicochemical of kefir. Kefir from buffalo milk has lower pH (4,2-4,6), high content of CO2 (0,95%), and good microbiological quality especially in yeast content (5,37 x 105 CFU/ml) with a very thick texture (355,00 mPa.s) compared to kefir made from cow and goat milk. Kefir from goat milk has higher pH than kefir from cow and buffalo milk, with higher ash content and higher mineral content of calcium, phosphor, potassium, sodium, and magnesium compared to cow milk kefir and has a thin texture (9,46-15,81 mPa.s). Kefir from cow milk has a higher mineral content of copper, zinc, and iron compared to goat milk kefir and has a slightly thick texture (64,80-161,00 mPa.s). Kefir from buffalo milk has the best microbiological and physicochemical quality.
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