ABSTRACT: A good food management system in an institution affects the availability of food and nutrient intake of students so that food service institutions need to pay attention to the stages of food administration which include input, process, and output. This study aims to analyze the input, process, and output of food service at Rumah Qur'an Daarut Tarbiyah Depok. This study used a design cross-sectional, with research subjects including food organizers and students. The data were input and process obtained from the results of interviews with questionnaires and observations. The level of preference data was obtained using a hedonic test questionnaire. Data processing and analysis was carried out descriptively using Microsoft Excel 2016. The results showed that the administration of food was self-managed with conventional methods including breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The results of the analysis input show that the food organizer consists of one person who is responsible for all stages of food administration. The results of the process analysis, it is known that there is no fixed menu cycle, procurement of materials is carried out independently by buying to the market every 3 days, menu planning is determined when materials are available, material storage is still not standardized, food preparation and processing is carried out in the same place, distribution food using a centralized and decentralized system. The results of the analysis of the level of preference on the food menu include the usual category.
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