ABSTRACT:Beef included as a perishable food. The quality and safety of beef determined by the implementation of the supply of meat in slaughterhouses (RPH), including the implementation of sanitation and hygiene processes. The aim of the study was to assess the ruminant slaughterhouse in Jakarta based on the guidelines issued by the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia. The research was conducted using observational methods, consisting of 4 stages: (1) composing a questionnaire; (2) finding RPH data in Jakarta Province; (3) observation; and (4) data analysis. The observation (step 3) was carried out at one slaughterhouse in East Jakarta. The questionnaire was prepared with reference to the Ministry of Agriculture Regulation No. 11 of 2020. The results showed the total number of findings for minor deviations was 11 points and major deviations were 7 points. The slaughterhouse in this research is included in the category of RPH Level II (Good), with the criteria for minor deviation limitations of less than 13 and major deviations less than 10. The most number of deviations was found in the aspects of buildings, facilities and equipment. These results indicated the need for an evaluation of the RPH to improve food safety standards especially in buildings, facilities and equipment aspects. The study on the assessment of slaughterhouse sanitation hygiene procedures by referring to the new guidelines is expected to become a basic reference for other further research.
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