Impact Measurement of The Independent Agricultural Program in Tobing Jae Village Using Social Return on Investment (SROI) Analysis

Retno Suryani, Afrilia Widiastuti, Ruben Tinosa Dwika, Nurani Ikhlas


In 2020, PT Austindo Nusantara Jaya Agri started to run an independent farming program called the “Tani Mandiri” program which aims to empower the community in Tobing Jae Village. This program targets the Sinar Jaya Farmer Group I and was replicated for the Sinar Jaya Farmer Group II in 2021. Through this program, PT Austindo Nusantara Jaya Agri provides budget assistance for the provision of integrated pest control managed by farmer groups. The social return on investment (SROI) method is used to measure the magnitude of the impact of the program. From the analysis that has been done, it is known that this program has a fairly high SROI value of 1.94. In addition, it is also known that the payback period of the Tani Mandiri program has an average of 0.66 year. This shows that the investment from this program is still less than one year. These two results indicate that the empowerment program carried out is classified as a sustainable program in Tobing Jae Village to improve the welfare of the local community and also farmer groups who participate in the Tani Mandiri program


Kata Kunci

Payback period; independent agriculture; sustainable program; SROI

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