Impact Analysis of The Floating Rice Field Program Using Jajar Legowo Planting System in Jangkang and Balok Villages, Bangka Belitung Islands Province
The floating rice field program for food security with the “jajar legowo” planting system, which is also abbreviated as Sapu Tangan Jarwo, is part of PT Sahabat Mewah dan Makmur's social responsibility program for the community around the company's environment. This program utilizes flooded agricultural land with floating rice field technology with a row planting system. This program was implemented from 2020-2021 with the target of farmer groups in the Jangkang and Balok Villages, Belitung Timur Province. The impact of the Sapu Tangan Jarwo program was analyzed using the Social Return on Investment (SROI) method. In addition, the payback period (PP) is also analyzed to determine the time required to return the investment value that the company has given. From the calculations that have been made, the Sapu Tangan Jarwo Program has an SROI and PP value of 2.47 and 1 year 3 months 1 day, respectively. Based on the calculation results, it can be seen that the Sapu Tangan Jarwo program can be continued because it can provide benefits and outcomes for the surrounding community.
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