Management and Accounting Expose

Management and Accounting Expose is a journal published by the Faculty of Economics and Business, Sahid University Jakarta. Management and Accounting Expose publishes twice a year (June and December) consisting of 10 articles and accepts articles in the fields of financial management, human resources, marketing, operations, and strategic management with standard research methods for publication. Articles can be written by academics, students, researchers, practitioners, and observers interested in research in the field of Management and Accounting.

Journal Title: Management and Accounting Expose
Subject: Financial Management, Human Resources, Marketing, Operations, and Strategic Management
Editor-in-chief: Euis Widiati
Language: Indonesia, English
E-ISSN: 2620-9314
Frequency: 2 times a year, June and December
Accreditation: SINTA 5, SK Nomor: 164/E/KPT/2021
Publisher: Faculty of Economic and Business
Citation Analysis: Google Scholar, Garuda, Crossref, Dimension

Published By:

Faculty of Economic and Business, Universitas Sahid
Jl. Prof. Dr. Soepomo No.84, Kec. Tebet, Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta 12870.


Journal Homepage Image



Call for Paper: Vol 7, No 1 (June 2024)


In 2022, we have indexed by SINTA 5. We will publish high-quality original/research articles only with a plagiarism limit of up to 25%. And also, references must be using Mendeley. 

Fee Publication: IDR 300K

Subject: Financial Management, Human Resources, Marketing, Operations, and Strategic Management

📍 Submission: Jan - March 2024
📝 Review: Feb - May 2024
📆 Publish: June 2024

Posted: 2023-12-27
More Announcements...

Vol 6, No 2 (2023)

Table of Contents

Heti Rahmawati, Agung Surya Dwianto
Stevani Tohady, Riris Rotua Sitorus
Faisol Faisol, Bambang Haryadi, Gita Arasy Harwida
Muhdir Muhdir, Sanusi Sanusi, Rahyu Fatwa, Ridwan Ridwan
Agus Yudianto, Meddy Nurpratama, Taufansyah Firdaus
Dicki Prayudi, Renny Oktapiani
Maysa Debora, Euis Widiati
Harry Baisya Achmad, Tanjung Prasetyo
Dedy Wahyudi, Sri Prapti Fajar Nursanti, Meri Safarwati Putri, Farida Farida
Andi Andi, Aulia Aziva Isanti, Fitri Indrayani, Nisful Nur Azizah